Pre-apprenticeships & traineeships

High quality traineeship and pre-apprenticeship programmes can help young people to develop the skills, experience and confidence they need to move into work, and to build successful and rewarding careers.

Our research shows that targeted and inclusive programmes can help young people to overcome complex barriers to learning and employment. Programmes that are tailored to local labour market needs benefit employers by providing a diverse pool of talent.

However, participation in traineeships and other pre-apprenticeship programmes has fallen in recent years. This includes government-funded Traineeships, which aim to provide work experience, work preparation training and English and maths support for out-of-work 16-24 year olds in England who are not qualified to at least level 3. Similar schemes operate elsewhere in the UK, including Wales.

Our research  focuses on  understanding the characteristics of high quality traineeship and pre-apprenticeship provision, how best to ensure people can access this provision, and how to support progression into further learning and employment.



  • Projects 30 06 2022

    Best practice in delivering pre-apprenticeship programmes

    Learning and Work Institute worked in partnership with J P Morgan to explore best practice in the design and delivery of pre-apprenticeship programmes across Europe
  • Research and Reports 30 06 2022

    Pre-apprenticeships provider guides

    L&W have developed a set of resources to support pre-apprenticeship providers with the design & delivery of high-quality programmes that support young people to enter apprenticeships. They are also available here in French, German and Spanish.
  • Projects 19 10 2021

    Review of occupational traineeship pilots

    This project will review the implementation and early impact of the two new occupational traineeship pilots in railway and construction, on behalf of Department for Education.
  • Projects 27 06 2019

    Evaluation of the Welsh Government’s Traineeships Programme

    The aim was to reduce the proportion of young people in Wales, classified as not in education, employment or training (NEET), and to facilitate their progression.
  • Research and Reports 22 07 2017

    Traineeships – maximising progressions into apprenticeships and employment

    Learning and Work Institute was commissioned by the Department for Education (DfE) to identify effective practice.

Traineeships – why they work films

Want to know more?

For further information about our traineeship and pre-apprenticeships work or to talk to us about how you can get involved, contact: Nicola Aylward, head of learning for young people